Wednesday, September 17, 2008

SOA -- Is it really a business problem?

Joe McKendrick at ZD Net recently pointed out that most businesses believe SOA is purely an IT problem. Jeff Schneider is one of those who agrees:

“Sure, I.T. problems, like HR or garbage collection, may bubble their way up to become a business problem, but at the end of the day I.T. has to figure out how to do their job and go do it. When the janitor picks up the trash in my office they do it in the most efficient way they know how. They don’t ask ‘the business’ if they should do it efficiently - they just do it. When did I.T. become such wussies?”

So how do we overcome this potential road block in implementing SOA into the enterprise? Offer solutions that include SOA for business problems. SOA as a be all and end all solution might not work well, but showing the value of certain proponents will work well for the enterprise.

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