Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Supporting SOA

This article from Collaborative discusses funding of SOA. As the article states, before commencement of a project of this kind it is important for organizations to consider their investment principles, current assets, and option that they have for IT funding. Some other highlights included in this article is that to succeed with funding it is imperative for an SOA initiative to

align with one or more core investment principles, such as:

  1. Enterprise Vision & Mission Alignment
  2. Enterprise Mission Criticality
  3. Enterprise Economy-of-Scale Value
  4. Enterprise Risk Tolerance
  5. Strategic Leadership Opportunity
  6. Interoperability
  7. Common Need
  8. Technology Maturity

The paper also informs that the basic funding models include:

1. Project-based

2. Enterprise-based

3. IT-based

4. Charge-back

I found the overall article to be very helpful in providing a focus when discussing the need for funding of SOA projects and recommend it for reading.

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